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  3. Adopt A Student
  • Adopt A Student logo
  • For just $40, you can sponsor a student and cover the cost of a fully stocked backpack so they can start the school year off on the right foot!
  • $2,080

  • Location / Venue

    • Address:
    • 250 Braen Avenue
    • Wyckoff, NJ 07481
    • USA

Backpack Sponsor

  • Alecia Blake

  • Barbara Salio

  • Barbara Salio

  • Barbara Salio

  • Brian Connors

  • Christine Conrad

  • Connie Williams

  • denise and ron cauchard

  • Despina Psillides

  • Despina Psillides

  • Fiza Khan

  • Global Engineering Technologies logo
  • Janelle M

  • Jeanne Russell

  • Kim A

  • Liebman Family

  • Lisa Klatt

  • Mark Divak

  • Mary McDonough

  • MT

  • Paul Morrison

  • Ralph Caprio

  • Roberto A Fajardo

  • Sharon

  • Stephanie

  • Stephanie

  • Suse Bell

  • Theresa Ahlmeyer

Families for Families logo
In Support of Families for Families

We are families connecting families in an effort to improve the lives of those in need. Our goal is to provide clothing, housewares, furniture, food and necessities to local families

in Bergen and Passaic County (New Jersey) homeless shelters and those who have recently moved to more permanent housing. Additionally, we host holiday activities where everyone can celebrate together and start to create lasting bonds between families, volunteers and donors. Families for Families is a 501c3 charity.